
Utenti di Chrome in Windows 10 ed 11 segnalano l’invito a cambiare il Motore di Ricerca in Bing a mezzo di un Pop-Up

Microsoft ha aggiornato la parte server dei suoi servizi e ha aggiunto a Windows 11/10 due file BCILauncher.EXE e BingChatInstaller.EXE per mostrare annunci pop-up di Bing agli utenti di Google Chrome su Windows 10/11. Alcuni utenti potrebbero accidentalmente impostare Bing come motore di ricerca predefinito in Chrome dopo aver ricevuto Leggi tutto…

Piracy Shield

Piracy Shield; facciamo il punto

A distanza di 2 settimane dall’avvio ufficiale di Piracy Shield facciamo il punto della situazione. nelle ultime ore sono apparsi centinaia di articoli molti spudoratamente di parte, tanti dai toni più neutrali, ed alcuni decisamente denigratori sull’operato di Piracy Shield dal suo lancio ad oggi. Proviamo a fare un’analisi più Leggi tutto…

Britain will spend billions on real estate in 2017

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a

Real estate internet scams: know the warning signs

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a

Vic real estate agents caught underquoting

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a

5 reasons to call a real estate agent

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a