If you’ve been using Kodi for a while, you probably know that the capabilities of this dedicated multimedia solution are incredibly broad. But if you install some extra add-ons there, you just will not have enough lifetime to watch all the engaging movies, shows, sports broadcasts, cartoons, and training programs, to which you will have access as a result.

Of course, there is always a feeling that what is now right under your hand is good, but surely somewhere, very close, there is something else not just good, but beautiful, and all you need – is just to look a bit better.

Well, with the Evolve add-on, you can see for real what the expression “Endless universe of entertainment” means. Because it gives you access to any content you could ever imagine. By the way, Evolve developers didn’t bother too much about copyright protection. They were guided by one principle: if a user is looking for something, then thanks to us, he will definitely find it. Therefore, among the content that becomes available thanks to this miracle add-on, there can certainly be found something that is commonly called pirated. If this moment is sensitive for you, I advise you to think about a good VPN application.

So, why we need this add-on, we already found out. Then it remains to figure out where to get Evolve, how to install it and how to configure it.

Since (remember, we honestly warned you) among all the variety that Evolve offers to the user, pirated content may be found, you will not be able to find this add-on in conventional repositories. So get ready for some additional (but not at all burdensome) movements.


Variant 1

If you already have Fusion Installer on your Kodi, installing Evolve will require just a couple of clicks and no more than a couple of minutes. We talked about how and why it is worth installing Fusion Installer in our previous articles; it is pretty simple and will be productive not only in this exact case.

In a word, we assume that Fusion Installer has already taken its rightful place in your Kodi, and here is our short instruction on how to get Evolve with it.

  1. Go to the main Kodi menu and select “Programs” there.
  2. In the menu that opens now, select the “Video Add-ons” section.
  3. Scroll down to the “Next Page” button, click on it.
  4. On the newly opened page (or on the next – it depends on how many add-ons you already have installed) find the “Evolve” item and click on it.
  5. Press Enter to start the installation process.
  6. That’s all, actually. Wait until all the installation steps are completed, and a message appears stating that the operation was completed successfully.

Variant 2

The second option I offer to those who do not have Fusion Installer on Kodi and for some reason don’t want to install it. Well, in this case, the path will be slightly longer, but it will certainly lead to success as well as the first one.

  1. On the main Kodi screen, click on the “Settings” icon in the upper left corner.
  2. Then follow the following path: System Settings ⇾ Expert Mode ⇾ Add-ons.
  3. Allow the installation of add-ons from unknown sources otherwise, you couldn’t install applications that are not in the official repositories. The situation is similar to when you want to install an application that is not available on Google Play on your smartphone.
  4. When you see a warning that, further, you are acting at your own risk, click “Yes”.
  5. Now, after you have given permission to continue working with third-party sources, return to the main screen and reproduce all your moves from step 1.
  6. Now select “File Manager” from the drop-down menu and then – “Add Source”.
  7. Select “None” and then enter the following URL: http://www.evolverepo.net/repo
  8. Give this source some meaningful name for the future. Let it be “Evo”. Don’t forget to click “OK” with a mouse or Enter on your keyboard.
  9. Return to the home screen again and select the “Add-ons” menu there.
  10. Find the icon labeled “Package Installer” in the top left corner of the screen.
  11. Click on “Install from Zip file”.
  12. From the list that will unfold before you, select the line that looks like this: "repository.evolverepo-.x.x.zip". As far as you understand, "x.x." indicate the number of the latest version of the add-on. Double-click the mouse or press Enter to start the installation.
  13. Wait for the new pop-up window and select the “Install from repository” option in it.
  14. Specify which repository you need. This is “Evolve Repo”.
  15. From the new list, select the “Video Add-ons” group and find “Evolve” there. Start the installation.
  16. Wait for the message that the new add-on is ready to work.
  17. Bring up the main Kodi screen again.
  18. In the left column, find the “Addons” section. Since you did everything right, you will now see a new item in this list: “Evolve”.

Installation is complete: you got what you wanted.

An important appendix

If for some reason you were unable to access the repository at: http://www.evolverepo.net/repo, then, following the instructions from point 7, try entering this into the address bar: http://matsbuilds.uk/goliath.

Then, as mentioned in point 8, you will need to give a name to this repository for further work with it. Why wouldn’t you call it “Goliath”?

All your other actions will be exactly the same as described above, just, after reaching points 12 and 14, make an amendment to the new name of the repository. The plugin itself, of course, will be called “Evolve” anyway.

How to use Evolve Add-on

In general, everything is easy here, but due to the unofficial status of this add-on, some nuances may arise, about which I want to say a few words in conclusion.

  • When you start to Evolve for the first time, as usual, by going to the “Video” – “Add-ons” menu, the newly installed add-on will offer you to download some more add-ons. The list of them is frightening long. In fact, there are different channels that open access to content that is arranged according to a kind of thematic shelves. For example, Kraken, in addition to films, documentaries, etc., broadcasts rock concerts and basketball games. Trapper has rugby and bodybuilding on its roster. Markov invites you to sing karaoke and watch “Naked News”.
  • In short, each of the add-ons that you can add to Evolve has its own flavor, and it makes sense to download them all and experimentally find out which ones fit your interests the best.
  • As already mentioned, Evolve has an unofficial status. Therefore, firstly, do not be surprised if it suddenly turns out that this add-on is disappeared from a particular repository. Just look elsewhere for it. How to do this is described in detail above.
    Secondly, do not write letters with comments, suggestions, and questions to the developers – you are unlikely to wait for them to answer. But it certainly makes sense to seek help or share your impressions of using Evolve in unofficial communities. Surely you will meet like-minded people there.

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