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Esistono centinaia di Browser disponibili in rete, scegliere quello giusto può essere un’impresa, ogni Browser ha caratteristiche e funzionalità differenti oppure è più o meno votato alla Privacy, o predilige la velocità o ancora è ottimizzato per i contenuti in Streaming.

Esplorare le alternative ha dei vantaggi sostanziali tra cui poter scelgiere di utilizzare un Browser piuttosto che un’altro a seconda di quello che volgio oppure ho bosogno di fare.

Posso aver bisogno di velocità più elevate nel download, cercare una maggiore sicurezza, cambiare il design e la grafica, preferire l’anonimato e tanto altro ancora, ecco perchè è possibile installare e utilizzare più di uno contemporaneamente, in modo da poter passare da uno all’altro e sperimentare i diversi vantaggi offerti da ciascuno.

Un nuovo browser, per logica, è sempre più veloce di quello che stiamo utilizzando soprattutto quando lo abbiamo arricchito con estensioni ed Addon, quando è nuovo di zecca non ha installati i componenti aggiuntivi o barre strumenti di terze parti.

Usare più Browser a seconda di quello che si vuole fare evita di appesantire troppo quello che si usa quotidianamente a discapito di velocità e sicurezza, ricordiamo che le estensioni sono estremamente utili ma sono anche le “porte” da cui i malintenzionati possono entrare e si consigli di tenere sempre aggiornati i plugin ed estensioni ed attivarle quando senrvono lasciandole disattivate quando non necesssarie.


Ma quali e quanti Browser esistono?

Come detto parliamo di di centinaia e nella lista sono inclusi i Browser in “sviluppo” ed anche quelli NON consigliati per uso quotidiano a causa delle caratteristiche prettamente da “sviluppatore” o Webmaster. L’elenco riporta i link al Download od alla pagina di riferimento del sito/repo ufficiale del Team di sviluppo oltre al Sistema Operativo supportato ed al tipo di motore utilizzato.

Consigliamo vivamente di leggere caratteristiche, note di versione ed eventuali avvisi prima di installare.

Credits to nerdyslacker github


  • 115 Browser – is a web browser developed by
    • Engine – Blink, WebKit
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • 2345 Explorer – is a web browser developed by
    • Engine – Trident, WebKit, Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, Android, iOS
  • 360 Secure Browser – is a freeware web browser app developed by Qihu 360 Software for Windows, it’s user friendly, feature-rich and powerful.
    • Engine – Blink, Trident
    • Operating System – Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS
  • 360 Extreme Browser – is another version of browser from Qihu.
    • Engine – Blink, Trident
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Android, iOS


  • Acent Browser (Osiris) – is a blockchain-only browser that understands the blockchain language well and is designed to be most compatible with blockchain.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Adaware Safe Browser – works in conjunction with Adaware Protect, the privacy and security bar that resides on your Windows desktop screen.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Agregore Browser – is a minimal web browser designed for the distributed web.
    • Engine – Electron
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, macOS, Android
  • Alloy Browser – a web browser for the power user.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Aloha Browser – is a fast, free, full-featured web browser that provides maximum privacy and security.
    • Engine – WebKit, Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, iOS, Android
  • AMP Browser – is an open source web browser, which accelerates web browsing by automatically loading AMP & MIP web pages, saves bandwidth by enabling data compression, and respects privacy by blocking ads and tracking scripts.
    • Engine – Chromium
    • Operating System – Windows, Ubuntu
  • Arc Browser – revolutionary, user-centric browser with innovative features that can think as quickly as we do, take work off of our plates, and pull our creativity forward.
    • Engine – Blink, V8
    • Operating System – MacOS, iOS
  • Arctic Fox Web Browser – started as a forked and rebranded Pale Moon 27.9.4 and retains its classic interface. Many fixes and enhancements have been imported from Firefox and TenFourFox.
    • Engine – Goana, SpiderMonkey
    • Operating System – Mac OS X 10.6+, Linux (PowerPC, x86, amd64, ARM, MIPS), NetBSD, OpenBSD, Windows XP
  • ArtisBrowser – is a standalone application that is neither dependent nor affected by other web browsers.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Asobi – removes all of this clutter by giving you a WebView with a minimalist navigation bar (and swipe gestures). By doing these things, you can have a distraction free browsing experience.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – macOS, iOS/iPadOS
  • Atom Browser – a new browser from based on Chromium with an emphasis on security and privacy.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Avast Secure Browser – is a free web browser that allows you to securely protect your online activities.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • AVG Secure Browser – is the most secure browser for safeguarding your online privacy and personal data.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • AXplorer – use-to-earn, private, fast and secure web browser with a free built-in VPN.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –


  • BadWolf Browser – is a minimalist and privacy-oriented WebKitGTK+ browser. Privacy-oriented: No browser-level tracking, multiple ephemeral isolated sessions per new unrelated tabs, JavaScript off by default.
    • Engine – WebKitGTK+
    • Operating System – Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD
  • Basilisk Browser – is a free and Open Source XUL-based web browser, featuring the well-known Firefox-style interface and operation.
    • Engine – Goanna
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD
  • Beacon Browser – a first-class browsing experience for a decentralized internet built with web technologies and secured without third-parties.
    • Engine – Chromium
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, iOS
  • Beaker Browser[Archived] – was an experimental peer-to-peer Web browser. It adds new APIs for building hostless applications while remaining compatible with the rest of the Web.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Linux, Windows, macOS
  • Beam – a new type of software for healthy thinking on the internet.
    • Engine – Webkit
    • Operating System – macOS
  • Biscuit – is a browser where you can organize your apps
    • Engine – WebKit, Blink
    • Operating System – macOS, Windows, Linux
  • Blisk – is a freemium Chromium-based web browser that aims to improve productivity and code quality by providing a wide array of tools for Web development and testing for different type of devices: desktop, tablet and mobile.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Blue Hawk – a web browser engineered for the modern web.
    • Engine – QtWebEngine
    • Operating System – Windows
  • BonBon Browser – is a lightweight and innovative browser. It makes you appreciate your browsing experience, and offers privacy. We don’t collect any data. Since the project is still in its early stages, we appreciate any feedback that you can offer us.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Bonsai[Archived] – web-browser for research that helps programmers think clearly.
    • Engine – Electron
    • Operating System – macOS, Windows, Linux
  • Borneo Browser[Discontinued] – is a minimalist web browser application using QtWebKit, originally created as a learning experiment for Qt.
    • Engine – QtWebEngine
    • Operating System –
  • Brave Browser – is a fast, private and secure web browser for PC, Mac and mobile.
    • Engine – Blink, V8, (WebKit on iOS)
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS
  • BriskBard – is the new free web browser for windows that integrates everything you need to succeed in all your daily Internet tasks.
    • Engine – Trident
    • Operating System –
  • BrowserJet – allows you to run multiple sessions with built-in multiple IPs in a single browser.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Browsh – is a fully-modern text-based browser. It renders anything that a modern browser can; HTML5, CSS3, JS, video and even WebGL.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –


  • Cachy Browser – A privacy-focused web browser based on LibreWolf, designed for CachyOS, an Arch Linux-based distribution, with enhanced security and privacy features.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Linux
  • Camino[Discontinued] – is an open-source Web browser developed with a focus on providing the best possible experience for Mac OS X users.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – macOS
  • Carbon[Coming Soon] – is a free and open-source web browser developed by Carbon X Labs based on a custom fork of the Chromium web browser.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, iOS, Android
  • Carbonyl – chromium running inside your terminal.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Catalyst – an amazing and elegant ElectronJS web browser.
    • Engine – Electron
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, macOS
  • Catsxp Browser – is a chrome kernel enhanced browser aiming at simplicity and security.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows
  • CentBrowser – is an enhanced web browser based on Chromium with many convenient features like super drag, mouse gesture, scrollable tab bar…
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Chedot – is a web browser built for speed, simplicity, and security.
    • Engine – Chromium
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Chromium – is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web.
    • Engine – V8, Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, macOS, BSD
  • Chromium-Gost – is an open-source browser with GOST algorithm support.
    • Engine – V8, Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, macOS
  • Chromnius(considered as malware) – provides a cross-platform browser that makes use of a unique Blink Browser Engine.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Citrio Browser(considered as malware) – is a fast, polished browser which demonstrates excellent performance.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Cliqz – was a privacy-oriented web browser and search engine developed by Cliqz GmbH and majority-owned by Hubert Burda Media.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, RISC OS, Android, iOS
  • Cốc Cốc Browser (‘knock knock’ in Vietnamese) – is a full-fledged browser with an intuitive search engine and powerful download tool.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – macOS, Windows, Android
  • Cocoon Browser – is a Chrome-based browser to give you the best experience possible. Start earning money just for surfing the Internet like you already do.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – macOS, Windows, Android
  • Colibri Browser – is designed to be fast, efficient, and uncluttered. Its interface is uniquely light and compact. It helps you browse the internet faster and view more content without the endless tabs.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Comodo Dragon – is a web browser that is equipped with high-level security as it prioritizes its users’ protection from threats and scams above all else.
    • Engine – WebKit
    • Operating System –
  • Coowon – is a Google Chrome based browser. It supports some popular features like Mouse Gesture, Drag to Go, Double Click to Close Tab, Restore Closed Tab Button, login multiple accounts in special tabs, Floating Window, Translucent Window, etc.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Core Browser – is the web browser from the future – built specifically to optimise your lifestyle and combine the best of both traditional and modern worlds.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • Cromite – a Bromite fork with ad blocking and privacy enhancements.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, Android
  • Cruz – is a new web browser for Mac OS X that offers a few special features you won’t find anywhere else.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – macOS
  • CryptoTab Browser – the world’s first browser with mining features.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Android
  • CyberGhost Browser – is a free, fast & 100% private app that stops all types of online tracking and monitoring.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS Android


  • Dashob – a web browser that allow you to create limitless boards with web pages.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • dBrowser – is a web browser for Web3, integrated with IPFS, SSB, Hypercore, Unstoppable Domains and more.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Decentr Browser – is an intuitive Web3 blockchain/metaverse browser and custom blockchain that securely stores user browsing data as part of a user’s Decentr ID (DecID).
    • Engine – WebKit, Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS Android
  • Dezor – quickly and safely to the destination. The web browser including VPN & Adblocker.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, Android
  • Dillo Browser – is a multi-platform graphical web browser known for its speed and small footprint.
    • Engine – Proprietary
    • Operating System – Linux, BSD, OS X, FreeDOS
  • Dissenter Browser[Archived] – is a browser that blocks Big Tech ads and trackers, making your browsing experience faster and more secure.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Dooble Browser – is a free and open-source web browser that was created to offer improved privacy for users.
    • Engine – Dooble
    • Operating System – FreeBSD, Linux, macOS, Windows
  • Dot Browser[Coming Soon] – a next-generation web browser with rugged privacy features out-of-the-box.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System –
  • DuckDuckGo Browser – is a free browsing app that gives you comprehensive online privacy protection.
    • Engine – WebKit
    • Operating System – Windows


  • Elza Browser – is private, fast and minimal web browser based on electron with built-in Onion Routing.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, macOS
  • Epic Browser – is a private, secure web browser that blocks ads, trackers, fingerprinting, cryptomining, ultrasound signaling and more.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System –
  • Epiphany (Gnome Web) – is a small browser designed for the web: not for mail, newsgroups, file management, instant messaging, or coffeemaking.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –


  • Falkon Browser – is a free and open-source web browser developed by KDE with QtWebEngine rendering engine.
    • Engine – QtWebEngine
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux
  • FastBack – the browser that doesn’t reload when you go back.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – macOS, iOS
  • Fifo Browser – is a modern web browser, built on top of modern web technologies such as Electron and React that is mean’t to be secure.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • FireDragon Browser – A fork of LibreWolf with enhanced KDE integration, saner defaults & custom branding
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Linux
  • Firefox Browser – is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.
    • Firefox Browser Developer Edition – is the blazing fast browser that offers cutting edge developer tools and latest features…
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android
  • Flash Browser – a small browser capable of viewing/displaying pages with embedded flash content.
    • Engine – Chromium
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Floorp Browser – is a rapid release browser, like Firefox, in order to maximize security and privacy protection.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, macOS
  • Flow Browser – is a web browser with a proprietary browser engine that claims to “dramatically improve rendering performance”.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –


  • Gener8 Browser – earn from your browsing.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Ghost Browser – is a web browser that is designed to help boost its users’ productivity.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Ghostery Browser – blocks ads, trackers & other pop-ups and is fully loaded with a built-in private search engine that detects and displays trackers before you even visit a webpage.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS
  • Glow Browser – a light-weight web browser built for speed, performance and above all, beauty.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – macOS, iOS
  • Google Chrome – is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google.
    • Engine – Blink (WebKit on iOS), V8 JavaScript engine
    • Operating System – Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, ChromeOS
  • GNU IceCat – is the GNU version of the Mozilla suite, and GNU IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox browser.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Linux, Windows, macOS, Android
  • Guardian Browser – is a secure internet browser that connects test-takers to their ProctorU proctoring sessions across all service lines.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS


  • Hayami Browser – is a tile-based mini browser/dashboard app for your daily productivity.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Helium – is a floating browser window that allows you to watch media, browse the web and do much more while you stay productive.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – macOS
  • Hola Browser – the ultimate solution for a truly borderless experience. With our browser, you can easily access websites from around the world!
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows


  • Impervious – a suite of Peer-to-Peer tools for communications, data transport, and payments, built directly into the web browser.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Linux, Windows, macOS
  • InterWeb – web browser, a close twin to Mozilla’s Firefox and UXP’s Basilisk. Based on Firefox-esr 52, Firefox-Legacy, and Basilisk code.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – macOS
  • Iridium Browser – is an open modification of the Chromium code base, with privacy being enhanced in several key areas.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –


  • jumanji – is a highly customizable and functional web browser based on the libwebkit web content engine and the gtk+ toolkit. The idea behind jumanji is a web browser that provides a minimalistic and space saving interface as well as an easy usage that mainly focuses on keyboard interaction like vimperator does.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –


  • Kaktus[Archived] – a new minimalistic web browser. It was formerly called “kaktüs”, renamed to “fat home cat” later.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Kingpin Browser – is full-featured browser with incognito mode and adblock always turned on. It does not remember the history, passwords, or cookies.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • kristall – is a browser without support for css/js/wasm or graphical websites. It can display user-styled documents in several formats, including gemini, html, markdown, … provided by a server via gemini, gopher, http, finger…
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD
  • Konqueror – is KDE’s Webbrowser and swiss-army-knife for any kind of file-management and file previewing.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Kosmik – one place to browse, capture, curate, share your visual inspiration, references, ideas and notes.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • K-Meleon – is a lightweight, customizable, open-source web browser. It’s designed for Microsoft Windows (Win32) operating systems.
    • Engine – Goanna
    • Operating System –


  • Ladybird – is a web browser from SerenityOS with a cross-platform GUI in Qt.
    • Engine – LibWeb, LibJS
    • Operating System – SerenityOS
  • Lagrange – is a desktop GUI client for browsing Geminispace. It offers modern conveniences familiar from web browsers, such as smooth scrolling, inline image viewing, multiple tabs, visual themes, Unicode fonts, bookmarks, history, and page outlines.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • LeechCraft – modular live environment including web browser (Poshuku), IM client, media player, BitTorrent client, document viewer, RSS reader and many other modules.
    • Engine – WebKit, WebEngine
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD
  • LibreWolf – is a custom and independent version of Firefox, with the primary goals of privacy, security and user freedom.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System –
  • Light Browser[Archived] – One-Tab-Browsing for low memory usage; JS and WebGL-Support; based on Chrome
    • Engine – CefSharp
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Links – is a free software text and graphical web browser with a pull-down menu system.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, OS/2, Unix-like, OpenVMS, DOS
  • Liri Browser – cross-platform Material design web browser.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • LoboEvolution – is an extensible all-Java web browser and RIA platform.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Local Browser – share your localhost in a unique way.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows
  • LT Browser – is a highly intuitive web development program that lets you build, test, and debug how your website looks on a mobile view.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Luakit – is a highly configurable browser framework based on the WebKit web content engine and the GTK+ toolkit. It is very fast, extensible with Lua, and licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.
    • Engine – WebKit
    • Operating System – Linux, BSD, Windows with WSL
  • Lulumi-browser – is a lightweight browser coded with Vue.js 2 and Electron.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Lunascape Browser – is an original web browser that supports three different web engines.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Lynx – s a customizable text-based web browser for use on cursor-addressable character cell terminals.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –


  • Maxthon Browser – is a new technology browser that provides technical support for blockchain apps and makes it easier for users.
    • Engine – Trident, WebKit, Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS
  • Mercury Browser – the fastest Firefox fork named after Firefox’s version control system, Mercurial, and the liquid element No. 80.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux
  • Microsoft Edge – is a proprietary, cross-platform web browser created by Microsoft.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Midori Browser – a fast and secure light web browser by Astian.
    • Engine – Electron
    • Operating System – Linux, Android, Windows, macOS
  • MilkShake – is a simple web browser with only one tab. There is an url bar and a home button. It is perfect if you open too many tabs and want to stop doing this.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Min Browser – a fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy.
    • Engine – Blink, Electron
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Minichrome Browser – is a minimalistic web browser, built especially with Tiling Window Managers in mind.
    • Engine – Blink (Based on Electron)
    • Operating System – Linux
  • Minum Browser – is a minimalistic web browser that removes all distractions and allows the user to focus on what’s important: the website.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – MacOS
  • Mitra Browser – A minimalist and open-source web browser written in PyQt5 using Python programming language.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Mullvad Browser – is a privacy-focused web browser developed in a collaboration between Mullvad VPN and the Tor Project.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Multizen Browser – effortlessly manage multiple browsing sessions, customize user agents, and browse without tracking across numerous websites.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Mypal Browser – is a current and maintained browser for Windows XP. Turn that old PC into something useful!
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Windows XP


  • Naver Whale Browser – is a Chromium-based web browser from the South Korean Internet giant Naver Corporation that fits lighter, more comfortable, and perfect for daily life.
    • Engine – Blink, WebKit (iOS)
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS
  • Neriven – smart browser, interactive & personalized easy automation between web app.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • NetSurf – is an open-source web browser which uses its own layout engine. Its design goal is to be lightweight and portable.
    • Engine – own engine
    • Operating System – RISC OS, AmigaOS 4, Windows; Linux/Unix-like, BeOS/Haiku, Atari TOS, macOS 3rd party ports: AmigaOS 3, Caanoo, MorphOS, Samsung TVs, Redox OS, Plan 9; KolibriOS port in development
  • NetSurfer – an extremely fast and secure web browser to surf the internet with…
    • Engine – Edge WebView2
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Nexus Browser – is a private browser.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Ninetails – a private, fast, and beautiful web browser.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, macOS
  • nOS – access the crypto-powered web.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • Nyxt browser – is a keyboard-driven web browser designed for power users. Inspired by Emacs and Vim, it has familiar keybindings.
    • Engine – WebKit, QtWebEngine
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux


  • OhHai Browser – tabs are in a panel to the left of the browser, allowing you to view more vertical page content, But still allowing access to all of your tabs at a glance.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Opera – is a better browser designed for speed, efficiency and protection which includes a built-in ad blocker, tracker blocker and VPN to help keep you safe on the internet.
    • Opera One [Early access] – is a completely redesigned browser, planned to replace the flagship Opera Browser.
    • Engine – Blink, V8
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Nintendo
  • Opera GX – is a special version of the Opera browser built specifically for gamers. The browser includes unique features like CPU, RAM and Network limiters.
    • Engine – Blink, V8
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, iOS, Android
  • Opera Crypto Browser – provides both the crypto-curious and crypto-savvy with a smooth, private and secure Web3 experience.
    • Engine – Blink, V8
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, iOS, Android
  • Orbitum Browser – a browser with set of functions for convenient chatting on the popular social networks.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, Android
  • Orion Browser – very fast, zero telemetry, industry-leading battery life, privacy respecting by design and native support for web extensions.
    • Engine – WebKit
    • Operating System – macOS, iOS
  • ōryōki – is a small web browser with a thin interface. this is an experimental project, currently in development.
    • Engine – Chromium
    • Operating System – macOS
  • Otter Browser – is a cross-platform web browser that aims to recreate aspects of Opera 12.x using Qt framework.
    • Engine – Qt WebEngine, QtWebKit
    • Operating System – Unix-like (Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD), macOS, Microsoft Windows, Haiku, RISC OS, OS/2, (ArcaOS)


  • Pale Moon – is an open-source web browser with an emphasis on customization; its motto is “Your browser, Your way”.
    • Engine – Goanna, SpiderMonkey
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD
  • Pennywise – cross-platform application to open any website or media in a floating window.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • PlasmaFox Browser[ARCHIVED] – A modified version of Firefox, incorporating KDE-specific features such as file dialogs and global menu integration.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Linux
  • Pocket Browser – an open-source browser made for privacy and going towards security.
    • Engine – Chromium
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Polarity Browser – is a feature packed, fast, secure, stable, and highly customizable web browser that offers the latest web standards.
    • Engine – Chromium, Trident
    • Operating System – Windows
  • PolyBrowser – the “Panoramic” Web Browser.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Polypane – the perfect browser for web developers and designers.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Power Browser – designed to meet your web3 aspirations.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, Android
  • Programmer Browser – a fast-searching and space-saving browser specially designed for programmers.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux
  • Puffin Browser – is a remote browser developed by CloudMosa, an American mobile technology company founded by Shioupyn Shen.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Android TV, Linux
  • Pulse Browser – an experimental Firefox fork that enhances focus and increases work productivity due to its hyper minimalistic UI and built-in tools.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux


  • Qinghu Browser – a new generation browser for e-commerce.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • QQ Browser – is a web browser developed by Mainland Chinese technology company Tencent.
    • Engine – WebKit, Trident
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Android, iOS
  • QtWeb Internet Browser[Discontinued] – lightweight, secure and portable browser having unique user interface and privacy features.
    • Engine – WebKit
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • qutebrowser – is a keyboard-focused browser with a minimal GUI. It’s based on Python and Qt and free software, licensed under the GPL.
    • Engine – WebKit/QtWebEngine
    • Operating System – Linux, Windows, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD


  • r3dfox – a modern Firefox based web browser for Windows 7.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows(XP, 7, 8)
  • Roccat Browser – is a web browser designed for macOS and iOS, developed and released by Runecats.
    • Engine – Webkit
    • Operating System – macOS, iOS


  • Safari – is the world’s fastest browser with a blazing-fast JavaScript engine.
    • Engine – WebKit, Nitro
    • Operating System – macOS, iOS, iPadOS, Windows
  • Sanbrowser – is dual-core browser that integrates Chromium and IE kernel.Using Chromium 92 version and IE7-11 kernel.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • Sandcat Browser – brings unique features that are useful for pen-testers and web developers.
    • Engine – Edge WebView2/Chromium
    • Operating System – Windows
  • SeaLion – web browser for Mac OS X 10.7 – 12.6 and 32-bit PowerPC Linux.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – macOS
  • SeaMonkey Browser – is a free web browser that allows simplified browsing, along with better email, feed client and IRC chat management.
    • Engine – Gecko, SpiderMonkey
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • SEOBrowse – browse the search results for any location, instantly.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • – is a web browser made by czech search engine It is quick and safe browser for all users, but is not safe.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS. iOS, Android
  • SharpBrowser – a full featured web-browser built using C# and CefSharp.
    • Engine – CefSharp
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Shift – is the desktop app for streamlining and collaborating across accounts and workflows.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • Sidekick Browser – is the best privacy browser with which you can focus, save time and feel safe.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Sielo Browser[Archived] – has all the functionalities of a traditional web browser, but that’s not the end! No more tabs everywhere, browse differently by using tabs spaces!
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • SigmaOS Browser – two tabs at once. Split Screen makes multitasking really easy. You never to open more than one browser window again!
    • Engine – WebKit+
    • Operating System – macOS
  • Sizzy – is for browsers what modern CI/CD is for deploying sites via FTP. Once you try Sizzy, you can never go back to using regular browsers for development.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Skye – modern and feature-rich web browser.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, macOS
  • slashB – spend half the time designing and developing responsive websites by testing them on multiple screens at once.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, macOS
  • Sleipnir Browser – is a tabbed web browser developed by Fenrir Inc. The browser’s main features are customization and tab functions.
    • Engine – Blink (earlier Gecko)
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Windows Phone
  • SlimBrowser – the most powerful and versatile web browser with superior speed and wonderful features.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System -Windows
  • Slimjet Browser – the fastest browser that automatically blocks ALL ads. No plugins, opt-ins or configurations needed.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Sogou Explorer – is a web browser offered by Sogou.
    • Engine – Webkit, Trident
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Sphere Browser – is a free Chromium core based anti-detection browser for managing multiple identities and protecting user’s digital fingerprint.
    • Engine – Chromium
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Split Browser – is a minimalistic, ultra-lightweight, open source web browser for desktop, based on WebKit (provided by Playwright), Ultralight and a native webview, with split screen (tiled) view, made with Qt.
    • Engine – WebKit, WebKitGTK, Edge WebView2
    • Operating System – macOS, Linux, Windows
  • Sputnik – a lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency.
    • Engine – WebKit, Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD
  • SRWare Iron Browser – is a free internet browser designed to compete with the likes of Chrome and Edge which focusses on user security as its most important function.
    • Engine – Blink, V8
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, Android
  • Stack Browser – is a spatial browser for mindful online living.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • Station – is the first open-source smart browser for busy people. A single place for all of your web applications.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Supermium – is a drop-in replacement for Google Chrome with privacy and usability enhancements, optimized for legacy and modern Windows systems alike.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows(XP, 7, 8, 10, 11)
  • surf – is a minimalist web browser developed by The user interface of this browser does not include any graphical control elements; it is controlled via keyboard shortcuts or external tools, which may manipulate its behavior by setting its window’s properties.
    • Engine – WebKitGTK
    • Operating System – Unix-like
  • sushi-browser – next Generation Multi-Panel Browser designed specifically for online casino gaming with the help of professionals from Kaikki Kasinot.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Synth – AI Driven Browser that makes you smarter at research and work.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –


  • Tempest Browser – is a fast, secure and private browser that puts you in control of your personal data online.
    • Engine – Blink, V8
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, iOS
  • Tesla Browser – is a quick, easy, and secure web browser.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows
  • The Classic Browser – uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.
    • Engine – Chromium
    • Operating System – Windows
  • theWeb – is a web browser.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Thorium Browser – the fastest chromium fork on Earth named after radioactive element No. 90.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Linux, MacOS, Raspberry Pi, Windows
  • Tor Browser – is free and open-source software that guarantees anonymity online and enhances your security and safety while using the internet.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD, Android, iOS (Onion Browser)
  • Tusk Browser – the Freedom-First Web Browser and Search Engine developed exclusively for Patriots, by Patriots, lets you see all sides.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS


  • Ulaa Browser – is a browser that respects your privacy, protects your personal data, and helps you work online more efficiently.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, Android
  • Undetectable Browser – is an anti-detect browser designed for easy handling of multi-accounting in social networks.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • Ungoogled Chromium – is a free and open-source variant of the Chromium web browser that removes all Google-specific web services.
    • Engine – Blink, V8
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD, Android
  • Unstoppable Blockchain Browser[Archived] – is a web browser that can browse the decentralized web.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS
  • UR Browser – a fast and free web browser that respects user privacy. 100% European, with a built-in VPN and ad blocker.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows
  • Uzbl Browser[Discontinued] – is a free and open-source minimalist web browser designed for simplicity and adherence to the Unix philosophy.
    • Engine – WebKit
    • Operating System – Unix-like (Linux, *BSD, Solaris, AIX, MacOS…)


  • Viasat Browser – a smarter way to browse the Internet.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android
  • Vieb – is the Vim Inspired Electron Browser.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Linux, macOS, Windows
  • Vimb – is a fast and lightweight vim like web browser based on the webkit web browser engine and the GTK toolkit. Vimb is modal like the great vim editor and also easily configurable during runtime. Vimb is mostly keyboard driven and does not distract you from your daily work.
    • Engine – WebKit
    • Operating System – Linux
  • visurf – is a work-in-progress frontend for Netsurf.
    • Engine – based on NetSurf
    • Operating System – based on NetSurf
  • Vivaldi Browser – is a powerful, personal, and private web browser. It is packed with features – all built into the browser.
    • Engine – Blink, V8
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS (Experimental)


  • w3m – is a text-based web browser as well as a pager like more or less.
    • Engine – Proprietary
    • Operating System – OS/2, Unix-like (Solaris, SunOS, HP-UX, Linux, FreeBSD and EWS-UX (EWS-4800), Windows (with Cygwin), macOS (with Homebrew)
  • Waterfox – is an open-source web browser that is forked from Firefox and developed by System1.
    • Engine – Gecko, SpiderMonkey
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Wave Browser – efficient, intuitive and personal web browser. (Don’t confuse with the Wave Browser from marked as malware)
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS (soon)
  • Wavebox Browser – is a secure, private and feature-rich Chromium browser that’s built for productive working across Google Workspaces, Microsoft Teams, ClickUp, Monday, Atlassian, Asana, AirTable, Slack, and every other web app you use to get work done.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • WebBuddy – an In-App Browser for Your Favourite Mac Apps.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – macOS
  • Webian Shell – is a browser based operating system UI dedicated to using the web.
    • Engine – Gecko
    • Operating System – Windows, Linux
  • WebNet Official – a Chromium Web Browser, Fast and reliable, Which does not track you.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Android
  • WebSM Browser – is a simple, minimalist web browser built on UWP, allowing for a straightforward and easy-to-use browsing experience.
    • Engine – Microsoft WebView2
    • Operating System – Microsoft Windows
  • Wexond Browser[Archived] – is a modern web browser, built on top of modern web technologies such as Electron and React, that can also be used as a framework to create a custom web browser.
    • Engine – Electron
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux


  • Xvast Browser – is the latest high-speed and secure DRM browser from Haihaisoft.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Android, iOS


  • Y8 Browser – play all the games, including Flash games!
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Yaeb Browser – is a minimalist web browser run inside the Electron window, allowing manipulation of webviews and associated tabs through a provided API.
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –
  • Yandex Browser – is a freeware web browser developed by the Russian technology corporation Yandex that uses the Blink web browser engine and is based on the Chromium open source project.
    • Engine – Blink
    • Operating System – Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS


  • Zen Browser – experience tranquillity while browsing the web without people tracking you!
    • Engine –
    • Operating System –


  • Browser Tamer – is a smart and powerful tool that acts as a browser proxy on your machine. It catches the links you click and redirects them to a browser or browser profile of your choice. You can set up rules based on the link’s domain, protocol, file extension and more.
  • OneLaunch – the desktop integration that will upgrade your Windows 11 experience with all the features you’ve ever wanted and never had in your PC.

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