Summer is here, and while Jared puts the finishing touches on his review of a battery-powered air conditioner, AT&T has some tips on how you can keep your precious smartphone, tablet or laptop cool so it carries on performing like it should.

Much of AT&T’s advice is common sense, but keeping your phone cool isn’t always the first thing that comes to mind when the heat has gotten to you, especially if all you can think about is getting an ice-cold slushy to slake your thirst. Anyhow,

  1. Don’t subject your wireless device to extreme temperature changes. Bringing your electronics from a 90+ degree sunny day to a well air-conditioned room is a great way to moisten the interior of your device. Allow your phone to transition gradually to the cooler temperatures by putting it in your purse or pocket before entering the room.
  2. Keep multiple wireless devices stored separately. If you’re carrying both your smartphone and a tablet or laptop, keep them separated. Since electronics conduct heat individually, stacking them or keeping them pressed up against each other intensifies the heat and obstructs air flow that can keep them comfortably cool.
  3. Don’t leave your wireless device in the car. Extreme heat can damage a wireless device. Keep your smartphone and/or tablet with you, either in a purse, briefcase or backpack. And while driving, don’t place it on the dashboard in direct sunlight.
  4. Keep your wireless device in a shaded, cool area. Heading to the beach or a theme park for some summer fun? Keep your device in your beach bag, backpack or under a light colored towel or blanket.
  5. Consider downloading an app that monitors your smartphone’s CPU and battery temperature. There are several apps that can help monitor your phone’s temperature and alert you when high temperature is a risk. 
  6. Cool it down. If your device overheats, try removing the case, switching to Airplane mode to shut off apps, and fanning it to help cool it down.

And if the worst happens?

Well, AT&T would also like to remind your that it, like other wireless providers, offers insurance to cover your phone should something happen to it. Naturally it’s not free, but depending on your situation it could be a whole lot cheaper than buying a new phone.

He’s been an Android fan ever since owning an HTC Hero, with the Dell Streak being his first phablet. He currently carries an Honor Magic 5 Pro in his pockets, a Xiaomi Pad 5 in his backpack, and thinks nothing of lugging a 17-inch laptop around the world. When not immersed in the world of Android and gadgets, he’s an avid sports fan, and like all South Africans, he loves a good Braai (BBQ).

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